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How to accomplish good sleep hygiene


Are you groggy? Drinking more coffee than you should? Wishing for a nap? Bottom line: you’re tired and you need more or better quality sleep.


That may sound simple, but for many people, getting the right sleep is almost impossible. As we mentioned in earlier blogs this month, inadequate sleep can lead to some of the diseases that are the top killers of men in the United States! That’s why for today’s blog, we’re going to talk about tricks and techniques to getting the right amount of quality sleep. This is what’s known as good sleep hygiene:


  • Make sleep a priority by keeping a consistent bedtime and wake schedule including
  • Create a bedtime routine that is relaxing. Experts recommend reading a book, listening to soothing music or soaking in a hot bath.
  • Avoid eating, drinking alcohol, and using nicotine and caffeine close to bedtime. These can lead to poor sleep, keep you awake or disrupt sleep later in the night.
  • Create a room that is dark, quiet, comfortable and cool for the best possible sleep.
  • Keep work materials, computers and televisions out of the bedroom.
  • Exercise regularly, but complete workouts at least one to two hours before bedtime.


If you try those things and still wake up throughout the night and are tired in the morning, you may have untreated sleep apnea. Sleep apnea has many negative health effects, the most basic of which is being tired throughout the day. What can you do? Talk to your housemates, kids or bed partner. Ask them if you snore or startle when you sleep. They see things you don’t. Ask them to record you on their phone if necessary.

If you suspect you might have sleep apnea, talk to your family doctor. They can help you get a sleep test. It’s painless and may change your life. If you are diagnosed, you’re doctor can prescribe several options including a CPAP or BiPAP machine. CPAP Central is an expert in all things CPAP and BiPAP. Visit our online catalog and find the key to getting a better night’s sleep.

Sleep apnea: Killer of men


We’ve all seen the Blondie cartoon where Dagwood is sleeping on the couch, the comical “SNNNKK” indicating that he’s snoring loudly. Maybe the joke around your house is that Dad is Dagwood because of all the noises that he makes at night, or that he’s dreaming that he’s a motorcycle or a chainsaw.

Jokes aside, snoring is no laughing matter. All too often, snoring is a direct result of sleep apnea, a disease that can become deadly if left untreated. As we mentioned in last week’s blog, June is Men’s Health Month, and the CDC listed more sleep as the number 1 way men can live healthier.

It’s no wonder the CDC would say that—as we mentioned before, inadequate sleep has been linked with a number of top killers of males in the United States, including heart disease, diabetes and accidents. However, we think there may be another reason why the CDC flagged bad sleep as a top health concern for men—men are twice as likely to have sleep apnea as women.

Men can often be reluctant to go to the doctor, but when it comes to sleep apnea, they shouldn’t avoid having a sleep test done. Besides snoring, other symptoms include persistent daytime sleepiness, mood changes, forgetfulness, insomnia, headaches and high blood pressure. If you or a loved one are experiencing a combination of these signs, it might be time to have a talk with your doctor.

Luckily, sleep apnea is treatable through CPAP treatment. We here at CPAP Central specialize in sleep apnea therapy treatments. We carry the top brands in CPAP machines, CPAP masks and CPAP supplies. Additionally, our Education and Resource Center is filled with helpful information to help guide you through a sleep apnea diagnosis. If you have any other questions, we are always happy to help. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us today!

Celebrate Men’s Health Month by getting a good night’s sleep


Here at CPAP Central, we’re all about helping people live healthier, happier and more productive lives. That’s why we want to focus today’s blog on Men’s Heath Month.

It’s no surprise that the CDC lists getting a good night’s sleep as the top way that men can keep themselves healthy. Inadequate sleep is associated with a number of diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and depression. Poor sleep can also lead to vehicle and on-the-job accidents.

Of the things listed above, three of them—cardiovascular disease, diabetes and accidents—are among the top 10 killers of men in the United States. That makes lack of sleep one of the deadliest conditions to have!

Besides getting a good night’s rest, the CDC also recommends men stop smoking (kudos to you if this doesn’t apply to you), get more exercise, eat healthier, cut back on stress and see the doctor regularly. Easier said than done, right?

So, start with the top thing the CDC recommended: getting a good night’s sleep. This can be accomplished through good sleep hygiene practices, such as:

  • Avoiding caffeine at least six hours before bedtime.
  • Avoiding alcohol at least two hours before bedtime.
  • Turning off all screens (cell phones, laptops, TVs) an hour before bedtime.
  • Avoiding tobacco an hour before bedtime.
  • Keeping a cool temperature in your room
  • Keeping your room completely dark—face digital clocks away from you, and charge your cell phones in another room.

However, if you have sleep apnea, even these practices won’t guarantee you a good night’s sleep. That’s where CPAP Central comes in. We specialize in connecting you with the right CPAP and BiPAP equipment, including CPAP masks, CPAP machines, CPAP supplies and more. You can even order some supplies even if you don’t have a prescription! View our full catalog here.


Women and Sleep Apnea: It’s More Damaging Than You Think


There’s some bad news for women with sleep apnea. Recent studies by from the University of California, Los Angeles show that women who have sleep apnea experience more damage to their brain cells than men.

The link between sleep apnea and brain cell damage in men is not new. But more recent studies show that women experience more damage than men to certain brain cells.  These cells are in the part of the brain that is involved in the regulation of moods and decision-making.

How common is sleep apnea?

  • 4 to 9 percent of middle aged men experience obstructive sleep apnea.
  • 2 to 4 percent of middle aged women experience sleep apnea.

If you thought that the numbers would be higher, you’re not alone. Research shows that as many as 90 percent of people with obstructive sleep apnea have not been diagnosed.

Even after diagnosis has been made, 10 percent of newly diagnosed women had not received treatment. That’s still better than the 20 percent of men who had not received treatment.

In addition to finding a higher severity of brain cell damage in the women with sleep apnea than the men, they also found that the women with the sleep condition had more symptoms of depression and anxiety than the men.

Do you think you may have sleep apnea? Ask your significant other or your family if you snore or wake often during sleep and don’t be embarrassed by the answers. Keep a sleep diary to record how you feel in the morning and throughout the day. Ladies, please get tested for sleep apnea. Husbands and families, please encourage a woman in your life to get tested if you even suspect she may have the disorder. We have amazing treatment options, but you’ll need to be tested first.

There’s a good night sleep waiting, just for you!

Better Sleep and a Better Mattress


Remember the Princess and the Pea? No matter how many mattresses she piled up, she could still feel that pod at the bottom. How about Goldilocks and the Three Bears? That blonde little girl tried out all of the bears’ beds.  One was too hard, one was too soft, and one was just right.


What about your bed and mattress? Here are a few things to consider when deciding whether it’s time to buy a new mattress and box spring/foundation. It may be time to get a new sleep set if:


  • Your mattress is five to seven years old
  • You wake up with stiffness, numbness, or aches and pains
  • You had a better night’s sleep somewhere other than your own bed (such as a hotel or friend’s guest room)
  • Your mattress shows signs of overuse (it sags, has lumps, etc.)

Evaluate your pillow too. In general, pillows should be replaced every year.


How big should your mattress be? There is no one answer for that, just suggestions and guidelines. There are many things to consider like the ability to get a large bed up the stairs and if it will fit in the room without taking up all of the space.  If you sleep with a partner, your mattress should allow each of you enough space to move easily. A queen mattress is ideal for two people sharing a mattress.


Keeping in mind the space you have available in your bedroom, here’s a basic size chart of modern beds:


  • A California King is 72” x 84”
  • A standard King is 76” x 80”
  • A Queen is 60” x 80”
  • A Full size or Double is 53” x 75”
  • And a Twin is 38” x 75”


If you have sleep apnea, the right CPAP or BiPAP machine will make even more difference than the right mattress.  CPAP Central has experts in sleep apnea therapy, and we carry the best supplies from the best manufacturers.  Visit our website and find the key to getting a better night’s sleep.

PS, we think Papa Bear used a CPAP too.


The Connection between Sleep Apnea and Juvenile Arthritis


May is National Arthritis Month and CPAP Central wanted to bring awareness to Juvenile Arthritis (JA) and how it can impact young lives.

While there is no direct correlation between having sleep apnea and Juvenile Arthritis, it is important to note that there is also no conclusive cause and no cure for JA, only treatment to manage symptoms. If your child has JA and sleep apnea, please talk to your doctor right away. These two conditions can be downright dangerous when combined. We have CPAP machines and CPAP masks to accommodate younger patients.

What is JA? How common is it? Here are some things you probably didn’t know about Juvenile Arthritis.

  • The CDC estimates that 294,000 U.S. children under age 18 (or 1 in 250 children) have been diagnosed with arthritis or other rheumatic conditions.
  • Childhood arthritis-related diagnoses range from a low of 500 children in Wyoming to a high of 38,000 children in California.
  • Children diagnosed with arthritis and other rheumatic conditions account for approximately 827,000 doctor visits each year, including an average of 83,000 emergency department room visits.
  • (JA) is an umbrella term used to describe the many autoimmune and inflammatory conditions that can develop in children ages 16 (or 18) and younger.

Although there is no known cause for the disease and no known cure, there are many treatments available.  Most treatment plans involve a combination of medication, physical activity, eye care and healthy eating. Medications used to treat JA can be divided into two groups:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, corticosteroids and analgesics that help relieve pain and inflammation
  • Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs that can alter the course of the disease, put it into remission and prevent joint damage.

If a person, young or older, in your life has any type of arthritis and uses a CPAP machine or BiPAP, CPAP Central can help you find solutions to make the sleep apnea system more comfortable and easier to use.

The Connection between Sleep Apnea and Rheumatoid Arthritis


May is National Arthritis Month, and because of that, CPAP Central would like to direct your attention to the connection between arthritis and sleep apnea. Recent studies have shown that people with sleep apnea have double the chance of developing rheumatoid arthritis compared to those who do not snore.

Sleep apnea is characterized by pauses or stops in breathing while a person is sleeping.  Age, obesity, smoking and alcohol consumption all increase the chances for sleep apnea.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation of joints and the surrounding tissues. It is most common in women and develops mostly as people reach middle age. Hormone changes, infections, and some genetic factors all play a role in developing the disease.

Researchers compared 1,411 sleep apnea patients against 7,000 healthy adults for over five years. The subjects were continuously monitored for immune system-related conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. Findings showed that the apnea-affected group had a 91 percent higher chance of developing arthritis conditions.

Why would snoring and sleep apnea increase the risk for rheumatoid arthritis? Studies show that chronic sleep apnea leads to inflammation in blood vessels present in the body and this acts as a catalyst for the development of arthritis.

Untreated rheumatoid arthritis and sleep apnea can be debilitating individually, but knowing that sleep apnea may put you at higher risk for RA makes treatment even more important.  So what can you do to avoid getting RA or other arthritis related conditions? If you snore or have been told you snore, get tested for sleep apnea.  Your family doctor can help you find a sleep lab.


If you are diagnosed, CPAP Central can help. We specialize in all things CPAP and BiPAP, and can make sure you have the right CPAP machine and CPAP mask for you, thus lowering your risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.

Who Was That Masked Man? Finding the Right CPAP Mask


Those who are old enough to remember the old Lone Ranger shows and movies get that reference. If you’re old enough to remember that, you are probably part of the sleep apnea and CPAP generation.

If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, welcome to the Masked Man (or Masked Woman) Club.


Let’s be honest, these masks may not be the most attractive things to see when your partner rolls over in bed and they will take some getting used to, but if you have been living with untreated sleep apnea, these little machines and masks are a life boat in the sea of bad sleep. So which type of mask is right for you?


CPAPCentral carries a carries a variety of the best CPAP masks on the market. You can choose from fullface CPAP masks, nasal CPAP masks, nasal pillow CPAP masks, total face CPAP masks or hybrid CPAP masks.


Start by doing some research in our online catalog and looking at some different models. This will get you more familiar with what is out there. Make some notes about the ones you like more and why.


Most insurance companies will cover a new mask every six months, so you can use this to test drive the different models of CPAP masks. If something wasn’t totally comfortable, switch to a different type when it’s time to change out your model.


Some people start off thinking they would like a nasal pillow CPAP mask because it covers less of their face, but then discover they breathe better with a full-faced mask. Other people are able to find a happy medium between the two in the hybrid CPAP mask. You won’t know completely until you try.


If you’re still unsure what mask you want to purchase, don’t hesitate to reach out to the experts at

CPAPCentral. We’re more than happy to help point you in the right direction.

We hope to hear from you soon and Hi-ho Silver….

Battling springtime allergies when you have sleep apnea


Achoo! It’s spring, which means the onset of seasonal allergies. Many people are pretty miserable during spring allergy time anyway, but if you’re a CPAP user on top of that, you could be looking at a trifecta of stuffy noses, sleepless nights, and difficult sleep apnea therapy.

Luckily, there are some things to combat seasonal allergies. CPAPCentral is here to help you get through springtime allergies and still remain compliant in your CPAP therapy:


1) Become a neat-freak: This means keeping your CPAP supplies as clean as possible. For hints and tips on this, see the previous two blogs

2) Switch to a full-faced CPAP mask: Many people prefer the nasal CPAP pillows because it gives them a clear line of sight and puts less pressure on their face, but a full-face CPAP mask works better if your nose is clogged.

3) Use hypoallergenic filters: These can work wonders in helping you combat the allergens in the air.

4) Wash your pillowcases: Wash or change your pillowcases more often than you usually do throughout the year. Consider purchasing a hypoallergenic pillowcase.

5) Close the windows and doors: I know it’s really unfair this time of year, since it’s so nice and warm, but leaving the windows and doors open is how the pollen gets in.

6) Use decongestants: Make sure you check with your doctor before you try this, but using overthe- counter decongestants can make a big difference in how well you sleep.

7) Don’t smoke: If you’re having to use a CPAP machine already, this can make things worse.

Combine it with seasonal allergies, and you’re in for a bad time.

8) Leave your plants outside: If you have a lot of plants in the house, they can harbor mildew and make seasonal allergies worse. Put them outside while you sleep.

These are just a few things you can do to make it through allergy season. CPAP Central is here for you to make sure your sleep apnea therapy goes well. Visit our online catalog for a full list of all the supplies we carry.

4 products to help you keep your CPAP supplies clean


In last week’s blog, CPAPCentral talked about some of the things you should be doing on a regular basis to keep your CPAP machine clean. For today’s blog, we’re going to talk about some other handy products for keeping your CPAP machine spick and span!


CPAP mask wipes

We mentioned these in last week’s blog, but they really are handy for getting residual saliva off your

CPAP mask. These come in a lemony-fresh scent, but if the smell bothers you, there are also unscented ones.


CPAP tube cleaning system

If you’ve already tried to clean out your CPAP tubes, you know how difficult it can be! Luckily, there’s the Tube Cleaning System from AG Industries. It includes two caps that allow you to block off the ends of the CPAP tube in order to swish a cleaning solution around in them. When you’re done, use one of two included hanging options in order to let your CPAP tubes dry.


Tube Cleaning Wand with Cleaning Pads

Alternatively, if you don’t like the above method to clean out your CPAP machine, there’s also the Tube

Cleaning Wand with Cleaning Pads by AG Industries. This allows you to manually wipe out the inside of your CPAP tubes with the set of wipes that come inside the package.


SoClean® 2 CPAP Cleaner and Sanitizer

If you’re one of those people who just doesn’t have the time to deep-clean your CPAP machine or CPAP accessories, this product is for you! Connect your CPAP equipment up to this machine, and it automatically cleans the CPAP mask, CPAP tube and CPAP humidifier for you. It’s kind of like a washing machine or dishwasher for your CPAP machine.

CPAPCentral knows the importance of keeping your equipment clean. If you need to re-stock any of your

CPAP supplies, don’t forget to visit our online catalog.