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Don’t Stress Out Over Sleep Apnea!


Whenever we get stressed out, we tend to do bad things to our health—such as smoking, reaching for comfort food, and tossing and turning in the night.  One thing you shouldn’t do, however, is stop your CPAP therapy.

Did you know that stress can actually increase the severity of your sleep apnea symptoms? In a catch-22, those who are newly diagnosed with sleep apnea often stress out over it! Here are some ways to reduce stress before going to sleep:

  • Stay strong with your treatment- This may just seem like another thing on your to-do list, but it actually benefits you. Using your CPAP machine will help you get the quality sleep you need to recharge for the next day’s tasks.
  • Ask for help and delegate- Don’t feel bad about asking for help if you’re feeling overwhelmed, or to delegate tasks to your spouse or kids. Dividing tasks to other members of the family helps things get completed and crossed off your list; and to get you feeling more relaxed.
  • Take some time for yourself- Take 15-20 minutes every day for yourself to do what you want to do. Read a book, watch TV or think about anything but the tasks at hand.
  • Don’t rush yourself – Take your time to get tasks done. If you run out of time, ask for someone else to help or finish it the next day. You shouldn’t have to stress to get everything organized or done around your home.
  • Breathe!—Practice breathing exercises before you go to sleep. This not only has a calming effect, it can also signal to your body that it’s time to wind down for bed—giving you a better sleep!

We all need quality sleep, especially during the stressful times. If you have any CPAP questions or needs, please don’t hesitate to contact us at CPAP Central. We look forward to hearing from you!