Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, which is why the American Heart Association has designated February as American Heart Month. CPAP Central would like to raise awareness about this disease. Today, we are debunking the top five myths about heart health:
Myth 1: Higher blood pressure is normal in older age.
While hypertension may be common among senior citizens, that doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Arteries become stiff with age, which cause the heart to pump harder, leading to higher blood pressure. Ask your doctor to check your blood pressure. There are some treatments you can do to bring it to a healthier level.
Myth 2: You should cut back on exercise if you have heart disease.
According to Harvard Health, remaining sedentary is actually a bad idea if you have heart disease, as it can lead to blood clots. An active lifestyle strengthens the heart muscles and improves blood circulation. Consult your doctor before you begin an exercise regimen.
Myth 3: I’ve already done extensive damage by smoking, I may as well continue.
Within a year of ceasing cigarettes, your chance of having a heart attack goes down by 50 percent. Ten years after you stop smoking, it will be as if you never smoked at all. It doesn’t matter how old you are, how long you smoked or how many cigarettes a day you smoked.
Myth 4: Cutting out all fat will help me fight heart disease.
Some fat is bad for you, and should be cut out. Saturated fats, Trans fat and partially hydrogenated fats are all examples of this. Other fats, however, are good for you, such as omega-3 fatty acids.
Myth 5: I can skip out on my sleep apnea therapy and be just fine.
Sleep apnea is incredibly hard on your heart. Your heart needs oxygen to continue functioning, and each time you deprive it of that, you do a little more damage to it. There have been numerous studies linking sleep apnea to a number of heart issues, including hypertension.
At CPAP Central we encourage all our customers to pay close attention to their heart health! We carry a number of items that can improve heart health, including CPAP supplies.