We all deal with forms of stress every day. Whether it’s at work, at home, or somewhere else in your life, stress has a big impact on your sleeping pattern. When you can’t sleep and you’re stressed, it becomes a catch 22. You need sleep to help yourself feel less stressed, but because you’re stressed, you can’t sleep.
Stress is one of the factors that makes the symptoms of sleep apnea worse. CPAPCentral.com wants to help you find ways to manage your stress during April, which happens to be Stress Management Month. Using these techniques, you can reduce stress and help yourself to a better night’s sleep.
Identify The Source of Your Stress
We’ve all had the feeling at one time or another; you have so much to do that you start to feel overwhelmed, which leads to you not getting anything done. If you’ve had this feeling, you know what it feels like to be stressed. Try making a list of all your stress triggers. Some stress triggers may be obvious, such as health or financial concerns, but routine commitments such as commuting or arranging childcare can contribute to your stress level. Even positive life events, such as planning a wedding or starting a new job can be stressful. Once you have identified the sources of your stress, you can find proactive ways to deal with them one at a time.
Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Help
Because we all deal with stress, everyone can relate to being stressed out. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and support. Another perspective may help you to manage your many demands. Friends and family members may be able to lend you a hand or give you suggestions of stress relief techniques that work for them. Help manage your stress by spending time with your friends and family in a relaxing setting. You’d be amazed how taking a night off from the daily grind can help you refocus, providing relief and clarity to help you deal with your stress.
Eat Healthy and Exercise Regularly
Exercise is a great way to reduce your stress level. Not only does it take your mind off stressful situations, it increases your production of endorphins, making you feel better overall. Exercise also can increase your self confidence and reduce levels of depression and anxiety. Regular exercise improves sleep patterns as well. When you are well rested, you are better prepared to manage stress. Coupling exercise with a healthy diet, one that’s high in fruit and vegetables and low on caffeine, alcohol, and sugar, can help give you the boost that you need to tackle your stress.
Using these tips, you can help get your stress under control and get more rest every night. To help you out even further, CPAPCentral.com is here to provide you with the leading CPAP machines, masks, and comfort accessories to help you sleep.