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Sleep Apnea and Type 2 Diabetes


It’s the holidays, which means there’s an abundance of decadent treats everywhere you turn. However, CPAP Central would like to urge everyone to partake in moderation. November marks Diabetes Awareness Month, and we would like everyone to know how Type 2 diabetes is connected to sleep apnea.


Over twenty five million children and adults in the United States have diabetes. An additional 79 million have pre-diabetes. Sleep apnea effects about 1 in every 15 adults in the United States today.  These two very different diseases share a connection, as untreated sleep apnea raises your risk for getting Type 2 diabetes.


Being overweight can increase your risk factors for both sleep apnea and Type 2 diabetes. Having sleep apnea alone can worsen your glycemic control, which can lead to diabetes. These disease also both put you at a greater risk for other health complications such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and eye disease.

Signs you may have sleep apnea include waking up with a dry mouth or sore throat, headaches, restless sleep, nighttime awakenings, waking up feeling out of breath and difficulty concentrating.

Diabetes symptoms include extreme hunger and thirst, frequent infections, and frequent urination.  Please note that you can have either of these two illnesses without having to have the other.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or especially these symptoms in tandem, don’t wait to talk to your doctor. Blood tests can diagnose the diabetes or pre-diabetes and a sleep study can diagnose your sleep apnea.

Losing weight and managing your weight can greatly improve the symptoms for both diabetes and sleep apnea.  A balanced diet and regular exercise can help you lose weight and improve your overall health which will benefit both disorders.


If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, see CPAP Central today. We have everything you need to manage your sleep apnea, which in turn can lead to better sleep, better health and a decreased risk of Type 2 diabetes.