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Big Things Come in Small Packages

It’s that time of year again! Your plane tickets are bought, you’ve been approved for time off from work and you’re putting together a list of everything you’ll need when you go to visit relatives this holiday season.


There’s just one problem… last year, your spouse didn’t get to pack as much as they would like because their carry-on was cluttered with their CPAP equipment. From hoses and masks to the bulky machine itself, it just turned into a mess.


Luckily, this time of year is also a gift-buying one, and when it comes to CPAP therapy, big things really do come in small packages! CPAP Central has the perfect solutions to your traveling woes—the Airmini and the Dreamstation Go:




The Airmini by Resmed is your perfect traveling companion. Weighing less than a pound, this travel PAP machine can fit in the palm of your hand. It features a waterless humidifier that allows your loved one to experience comfortable sleep apnea therapy without the added bulk.


The Airmini can be controlled via an app, and has mask setup packs that can make the transition to this machine seamless.


Dreamstation Go.

The Dreamstation Go is the younger sibling of the Dreamstation by Respironics. With the Dreamstation already being one of our top sellers, we know that your loved one will enjoy the travel version of this CPAP machine!


Featuring a built-in power supply and an optional battery, this CPAP machine is truly portable enough to use on even long flights! It uses Bluetooth to track and monitor your loved one’s results, and the DreamMapper App to track progress.



CPAP Central wants to make sure you get your loved one the best possible gift to help with their CPAP therapy. Contact us to learn how we can help make your CPAP therapy gift into a reality today.


4 Signs That Seniors Have Sleep Apnea

It’s the holidays, which means you’ll be seeing family members you haven’t seen in a while. This is also the time of year when you may start to notice health changes in your elderly relatives. One condition that becomes more common as we age is sleep apnea. Today, we’re going to address how you can identify if your older loved one should be tested for it:

  1. Snoring – This, being one of the most common symptoms, is one to keep your eye out for. It is especially concerning when your snoring becomes so loud it disrupts you or others, or when it is spaced out between a long period of silence.
  2. Physical and mental exhaustion – Sleep apnea causes your sleeping pattern to become sporadic and unfulfilling which eventually begins affecting your waking life as well. This can further lead to a lack of attention and difficulty performing everyday tasks.
  3. Changes in mood – Since those with sleep apnea are not getting the proper rest they need, it is possible to experience mood swings. Those affected can be more easily irritated and have heightened aggression. The lack of sleep may also cause those affected to feel anxious, sad, and at times depressed.
  4. Waking Up Frequently- Those with sleep apnea will often have their rest interrupted frequently. Waking up happens abruptly and is accompanied at times by shortness of breath.

Although these are all great signs to point you in the right direction, not everyone afflicted by sleep apnea will display these symptoms. Seniors who already suffer from problems with their heart and central nervous system have a higher risk of developing central sleep apnea, another variety of senior sleep apnea that largely affects those over age 50.

If you suspect that you or a loved one may have sleep apnea, seek treatment immediately with your physician. CPAP Central can also help. We can supply your loved one with everything they need to address this condition.

Sleeping Well As Fall Turns to Winter

less often, it gets dark earlier, it’s cold and we generally get less exercise. All of these things can create a mental and physical load on our bodies that can result in us getting less sleep.


Since getting enough sleep is a cornerstone to good health, here are some tips to help you sleep better as the seasons change:


  • Go to bed when you feel tired- when your eyelids start drooping and you’re overtaken by yawns, it’s time to hit the hay. However, if you can’t fall asleep within a half hour, get up and read or do something that makes you tired.
  • Get the right room temperature- It should be just cold enough that you need to get under the covers, but not so hot that you’re burning up.
  • Sip on herbal tea- certain herbal teas, like chamomile or mint, act as natural sedatives that help produce a deep sleep.
  • Exercise during the day- exercising activates the body’s natural healing process, a lot of which happens while we sleep.
  • Get all your worries out- in a room that is separate from where you sleep, write down all your worries and plans for tomorrow, then leave the room. This way you will literally be leaving your worries outside of the bedroom.
  • Think peaceful- Try to mentally let all the tension out of your body starting at your extremities and working toward your core. Concentrate on relaxing thoughts.


Hopefully these tips help boost your energy and avoid the late fall and winter doldrums. If you need help with anything sleep apnea related, CPAP Central is ready and willing to help! We’re available via live chat Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. EST.

Being Thankful Even When It’s Hard to Do So

It’s probably not a stretch to say that you weren’t feeling lucky when you were diagnosed with sleep apnea. Nor were you probably feeling thankful when you found out what goes into treating the condition. We also doubt that your first night of CPAP inspired feelings of gratitude.


However, with Thanksgiving just around the corner, we thought we would offer a little bit of optimism and talk about how to be grateful for something like CPAP—even when it’s hard to do so.


  • Fewer family arguments.


Holidays can often bring out the worst in family members. Whether it’s stress from extra obligations or old grudges coming to the surface, it’s not uncommon for arguments to break out.


With your newfound rest from CPAP therapy, you’ll find your irritation levels going down. Getting a good night’s sleep can go far in helping your mood around others.

This means that behavior or comments that used to make you cranky suddenly don’t seem like such a big deal.


  • Longer time to spend with your family.


Now that you’re addressing your sleep apnea, this means that you have a higher likelihood of living a longer life. With those extended years, you can spend more time with your loved ones and watch the next generation of your family grow up.


  • You’ll miss fewer moments.


Did you ever find yourself falling asleep while attending a school play? How about when you were watching your child play sports? How many social events did you have to turn down because you were just too tired?


With sleep apnea therapy, you’ll miss fewer of these moments between you and your loved ones. CPAP compliance means less falling asleep during the day and more energy to enjoy social occasions.



At CPAP Central, we are thankful for the chance to make a difference in the lives and health of our customers. We wouldn’t do what we do if we didn’t feel thankful for the opportunity to help others. Tell us in the comment section what you’re grateful for!


It’s Exam Time! Getting Tested for Sleep Apnea


More than likely, you haven’t attended school in years. But that doesn’t mean you’re done with tests. In fact, some of the most important exams you’ll take in your life are yet to occur. So, get out your pencils and put on your study music—we’re going to get you ready for a sleep test!

Sleep apnea is a common condition in America, but many people aren’t aware they have it. If you wake up each morning feeling as if you haven’t slept a wink, you might have sleep apnea. If a partner has noticed you gasping in the night or has complained of excessive snoring, you might have sleep apnea. And if you find yourself falling asleep during inappropriate times during the day you might—you guessed it—have sleep apnea.

Should you demonstrate some of the major symptoms of sleep apnea, it’s highly likely that your doctor will order a sleep test for you. There are a couple of different options, including:


Lab Sleep Test


Formally referred to as nocturnal polysomnography, this sleep test takes place in a lab. You will be hooked up to equipment that will monitor a variety of things, including activity from your heart, lungs and even your brain waves. Your breathing will also be measured, as will any movement by your arms and legs.


Home Sleep Test


Some doctors may choose to have you evaluate your own sleeping patterns via a home sleep test. This will allow your results to come from your normal sleeping environment. Your sleep center will give a machine that gathers different data on you as you sleep. Don’t worry about knowing how to use it—they will show you before you go home.


Prepping for the Sleep Test


No matter where you do your sleep test, it’s important to follow your normal daily routine as close as possible. You should avoid napping during the day and limit your caffeine intake in the afternoon.


If your tests do come back positive for sleep apnea, we’re here to help! We carry everything you need to get this condition under control, including CPAP and BiPAP machines. If you need help with anything sleep apnea related, CPAP Central is ready and willing to help! We’re available via live chat Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. EST.

A Month for Sleep

How many of you read the title and thought, “Sleeping for a month? Sign me up!” You wouldn’t be alone. Approximately 40 percent of U.S. adults get less than the recommended amount of sleep each night. Since November is National Sleep Comfort Month, now is the perfect time to take stock of the things that might be keeping you from getting a good night’s rest:


  • Not keeping the same bed time every night.


Experts tell us that going to bed at the same time every night can help establish a better quality sleep. While keeping a bed time may make you feel like a little kid, the truth is adults also need one. Waking up at the same time every day—even on the weekends—can also help.


  • Put down the phone.


Besides giving yourself a bedtime, you’ll also need to enforce another rule you may already give your children: limiting screen time. Experts say that watching TV, playing on the computer or scrolling through your phone an hour before you go to sleep can disrupt your circadian rhythms, leading to a poor sleeping pattern.


  • Establish a routine.


Another way to get into a good sleeping rhythm is to have a pre-bed routine. This can be anything from reading for 20 minutes to brushing and flossing right before sleep. Some people drink warm milk or chamomile tea to wind down. We caution you from drinking alcohol for the same reason. While it may make you fall asleep, it can keep you from going through all of the REM cycles properly, leaving you feeling awful in the morning.


  • Stay CPAP Compliant.


We know that this can be easier said than done, but if you have sleep apnea it’s crucial to getting a good night’s sleep. If you’ve been avoiding CPAP due to discomfort, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experts! We can help you get to the bottom of any trouble you may be experiencing with your equipment.


At CPAP Central, our main focus is ensuring that you get the best possible sleep. Our Education and Resources Center can give you more tips about how to get the best rest each night. For updated and replacement CPAP equipment see our online catalog.

What is Epworth and How Does It Tell if I Have Sleep Apnea?

Have you ever wondered how doctors can tell if you may have a sleep disorder like sleep apnea? There are two barometers used to gauge whether you have sleep apnea or not. The Berlin Questionnaire and Epworth Sleepiness Scale were developed to assess risk factors (like your blood pressure) and persistent behaviors (like snoring) that may indicate that you have sleep apnea.


The Berlin Questionnaire was developed in 1996 to help better detect the presence of a sleep disorder, and since has become well-known for its accuracy in indicating that someone has sleep apnea. It is broken up into three categories of questions with multiple answers, some of which are “positive” answers. Each category can be “positive” with a certain number of positive answers, and these help to indicate if you have sleep apnea. For a full look at the scale, click here.


On the other hand, the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, created in 1990 in Australia bases its indication of sleep apnea by asking your likelihood of falling asleep during certain activities. For example, one of the questions is how likely it is that you would fall asleep while watching television. You would then respond on the following scale: 0- no chance, 1- slight chance, 2- moderate chance, 3- high chance. The responses are then totaled, with any score over a 10 meaning there’s a very likely chance you have sleep apnea. Here’s a closer look at the scale.


These are two simple tests used by doctors everywhere to indicate the presence of sleep apnea or another sleep disorder. However, these test are not used to officially diagnose sleep apnea. If you have a positive test, your doctor may recommend you for a sleep test for an official diagnosis.


If you think you or someone you know may have sleep apnea, share this post with them and ask them to schedule an appointment with their doctor.


Training Yourself to Nose Breathe at Night

Breaking a habit can be a very difficult thing to do. Breaking an involuntary habit that occurs as you are sleeping can be even more difficult. That is the challenge that mouth breathers face if they use a nasal mask for CPAP therapy to treat their sleep apnea because a full face mask feels too claustrophobic.


The Problem:


Because the air that flows through the mask during treatment pushes the tongue down to keep the airway unobstructed, opening the mouth to breathe causes a vacuum that pulls the tongue up. This can be very uncomfortable and cause you to wake up during the night, something your CPAP therapy is trying to prevent.


So, how do you learn how to nose breathe?


There are many different techniques out there. While one lifelong mouth breather may swear that one works, it may not work for others. The name of the game here is experimentation.


Technique 1:


The first technique is to press your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Do this during the day while breathing through your nose to get used to it, and then try it as you are falling asleep.


Technique 2:


Another way is to gradually block your mouth from opening less and less. In this technique you start by placing tape over your mouth at night, which may seem like a scary thought. However, after three or so nights where you aren’t opening your mouth, you can switch to tucking a small pillow under your chin to prevent mouth breathing.


Technique 3:


Mind over matter can also be effective! Work on telling yourself that the air coming through the nasal mask is enough so that you don’t have to open your mouth. You can also visualize yourself sleeping with your mouth closed as you’re falling asleep.


There are many other techniques out there, or you can create one on your own. If nothing is working, CPAP Central offers chin straps to help prevent your mouth from opening. Our staff can offer helpful advice and tips to get you sleeping better at night. We’re available Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. via our live chat.



CPAP Not Working? Try These Hacks

Picture yourself getting ready for bed, putting on your CPAP mask and turning on your CPAP machine – then nothing.  Yes, your CPAP machine has stopped working.  Do you get your tool box out from the garage, call 911, or stay awake all night to avoid rattling the windows with your snoring?  The answer is none of these.  We repeat – DO NOT open up your CPAP machine and try to fix it yourself.  Also, while your CPAP may have greatly improved your quality of life, it is not life sustaining equipment.  Here are some simple steps from CPAP Central that may help when you find yourself without a working CPAP machine.

1 – Check Your Water Chamber or Humidifier

When a CPAP machine isn’t working, it can often be caused by a worn out heated element in your humidifier.  To check if this is the problem, remove the tube going to the humidifier and connect it straight to the CPAP machine, bypassing the humidifier.  Try turning on your CPAP machine again. If it works, then you know that you’ll need to replace the humidifier.  If your CPAP still doesn’t work, you may need to replace your entire CPAP machine.

Replacing the water chamber or humidifier is easy because it does not require a prescription.  It is also a lot cheaper than replacing the entire CPAP machine if you are no longer under warranty.

2 – Check Your Warranty

When a CPAP machine breaks down less than 2 years after purchasing, you are most likely still under warranty.  Checking on warranty status can be done with either your CPAP provider, who should have your prescription on file or by checking with any authorized dealer for Philips Respironics or ResMed.

3 – Check on Copy of Prescription

Another item you will need if replacing your CPAP machine is your prescription.  You can call your doctor to obtain a new prescription right away.   Your prescription will allow you to easily order another CPAP machine quickly to avoid any more difficult nights.

For more questions on what to do if your CPAP machine breaks, visit We’re available Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. via our live chat.

Celebrities with Sleep Apnea

If you think sleep apnea is only something the common public deals with at night, you are mistaken.  CPAP Central wants to let you know that you are not alone and that some of your favorite celebrities might be wearing the exact same mask that you do at night!  Check out these celebs who wear a CPAP mask to bed:

Randy Jackson

  • Has sleep apnea and type-2 diabetes.
  • On American Idol.
  • Former musician for Bob Dylan, The Divynls, Blue Oyster Cult

Shaquille O’Neal

  • Has moderate obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Former NBA center/actor
  • Featured in a sleep apnea video.

JaMarcus Russell

  • Has sleep apnea.
  • Number one pick in 2007 NFL draft.
  • Before being diagnosed, Russell had fallen asleep in team meetings.

Quincy Jones

  • Has sleep apnea.
  • Won 27 Grammy Awards.
  • Jazz trumpeter and record producer.

Regis Philbin

  • Diagnosed with sleep apnea.
  • Emmy-award winning talk show host.

Roseanne Barr

  • Diagnosed with sleep apnea.
  • TV sitcom star.

Larry the Cable Guy

  • Has sleep apnea.
  • Famous comedian and actor.

William Shatner

  • Has sleep apnea.
  • Famous actor from Star Trek and Priceline commercials.

Graham Elliot

  • Had sleep apnea.
  • Judge on MasterChef show.
  • After sleeve gastrectomy surgery and losing 147 lbs, Elliot no longer requires CPAP.

Anne Rice

  • Has sleep apnea.
  • Author of The Vampire Chronicles.

Reggie White (1961-2004)

Jerry Garcia (1942-1995)

  • Passed away in 1995 from a heart attack and possible complications of sleep apnea.
  • Lead singer of the Grateful Dead

Justin Tennison (1977-2011)

  • Passed away at age 33 from complications related to sleep apnea.
  • Actor featured on Discovery Channel’s Deadliest Catch.

While most of the celebrities listed have been able to get their sleep apnea under control through CPAP therapy, the final three were unable to overcome their health problems and passed away from health complications that were possibly brought on by years of untreated sleep apnea.  CPAP Central hopes you take this as a reminder to encourage loved ones to get tested for sleep apnea and begin treatment right away to prevent sleep apnea-related conditions.