More than likely, you haven’t attended school in years. But that doesn’t mean you’re done with tests. In fact, some of the most important exams you’ll take in your life are yet to occur. So, get out your pencils and put on your study music—we’re going to get you ready for a sleep test!
Sleep apnea is a common condition in America, but many people aren’t aware they have it. If you wake up each morning feeling as if you haven’t slept a wink, you might have sleep apnea. If a partner has noticed you gasping in the night or has complained of excessive snoring, you might have sleep apnea. And if you find yourself falling asleep during inappropriate times during the day you might—you guessed it—have sleep apnea.
Should you demonstrate some of the major symptoms of sleep apnea, it’s highly likely that your doctor will order a sleep test for you. There are a couple of different options, including:
Lab Sleep Test
Formally referred to as nocturnal polysomnography, this sleep test takes place in a lab. You will be hooked up to equipment that will monitor a variety of things, including activity from your heart, lungs and even your brain waves. Your breathing will also be measured, as will any movement by your arms and legs.
Home Sleep Test
Some doctors may choose to have you evaluate your own sleeping patterns via a home sleep test. This will allow your results to come from your normal sleeping environment. Your sleep center will give a machine that gathers different data on you as you sleep. Don’t worry about knowing how to use it—they will show you before you go home.
Prepping for the Sleep Test
No matter where you do your sleep test, it’s important to follow your normal daily routine as close as possible. You should avoid napping during the day and limit your caffeine intake in the afternoon.
If your tests do come back positive for sleep apnea, we’re here to help! We carry everything you need to get this condition under control, including CPAP and BiPAP machines. If you need help with anything sleep apnea related, CPAP Central is ready and willing to help! We’re available via live chat Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. EST.