Using a CPAP can be difficult at times. So is it worth it? Here are the signs that it’s working for you and improving your overall health, as well as the signs that it isn’t working. These can be due to anything from user error to incorrect equipment. Either way, we can help!
Signs You Are on the Right Track
Mental Health
Are you feeling more emotionally stable? By that, we want to know if you’re feeling less irritable, anxious or down. Are you less closed off to others? Untreated sleep apnea can lead to depression, so if you are feeling an overall improvement in your emotional well being, this is a sign therapy is working for you!
Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed
You’ve probably heard the saying, but haven’t experienced it yourself before CPAP therapy. If your therapy is working well for you, you are going to feel more alert during the day. This is because you are getting the proper sleep your body requires and you now feel ready to take on the day.
Sharp as a Tac
Are you being more successful at work? Do you feel like your memory is sharper? Without therapy, Sleep Apnea can cause damage to the brain tissue. When your therapy is working correctly, it will help your concentration and overall “brain power.”
Signs You Should Ask for Help
You’re Tired All Day
If your CPAP machine is not working how it should, you may be starting to feel more tired during the day. Even if you feel you are getting an appropriate amount of bedtime hours, it still may not be the quality sleep that your body requires. As you likely know, untreated sleep apnea causes pauses in your breathing. This is what is keeping you from getting through every necessary sleep cycle.
You’re Snoring Again
The primary goal of CPAP is to keep your airway open and if you are still snoring, this is a clear cut sign that the treatment is not working as it should. Snoring is not a symptom to ignore and can have serious consequences. This is because snoring implies your airway is still partially collapsing. Your partner should be able to tell if you are snoring, but if you don’t have a partner, consider inviting a close friend over for a sleepover!
You’ve Gained Weight
Treating sleep apnea won’t cause you to gain weight. However, if you have gained weight, your therapy may not be working as well as it should. The fitting may not be correct for your body, as the muscles that you use to help you breathe are more likely to weaken in the night. If this is the case, you may want to have a doctor determine if an adjustment is required to the machine.
If you need help with your equipment, or need to swap it out for something that works better, is here for you. We stock everything you need to combat this condition, and our experts are available via live chat from Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., EST.