A good night’s sleep is imperative for a healthy body and positive outlook. How much of an impact does untreated sleep apnea have on heart disease? More than you may have expected! CPAPCentral.com investigates the true story behind the connection between sleep apnea and heart disease.
The Link between Sleep Apnea & Heart Disease
People with untreated sleep apnea tend to have an increased risk for heart disease. The estimates are shocking, with risk increasing up to 80 percent in individuals whose blood oxygen saturation was at or below 78 percent, according to a study funded by U.S. National Institutes of Health.
How are Oxygen Saturation and Sleep Apnea Linked?
To accurately explain this question, we first need to explain oxygen saturation. Oxygen saturation is the measurement of how much oxygen your blood is carrying at any given time. The average person has an oxygen saturation level in the range of 95 to 100 percent.
Sleep apnea has a tendency to starve you of oxygen. In most cases, obstructive sleep apnea restricts breathing during sleep when the muscles of the throat relax. The restriction causes your body to react like it is drowning. What you may not realize is during the time you cannot breathe, your body is using the oxygen in your blood faster than it can be replenished. The longer you go without breathing and replenishing the oxygen, the lower your oxygen saturation, and the higher your risk for heart disease and other health concerns.
Get Pumped to Maintain a Healthy Heart
CPAPCentral.com challenges you to get better sleep and tell your friends about sleep apnea! Try some simple activities to increase your quality of sleep such as increasing how often you exercise, reducing caffeine before bed, and monitoring your sleep. You may need assistance with monitoring your sleep, but if you know that you snore or wake up gasping, you should consult your doctor.
CPAPCentral.com encourages you to be proactive with your health because after all, you are the one who gets to enjoy it! If you have any questions about sleep apnea therapy, CPAP machines or CPAP masks, contact the CPAP experts at CPAPCentral.com.