Were you recently diagnosed with sleep apnea? Do you find yourself overwhelmed with all the treatment options? At CPAP Central, we want to turn down the “pressure” when it comes to figuring out which PAP machine is right for you. That’s why we’re going to cover the ABC’s of sleep apnea therapy—APAP, BiPAP and CPAP:
Auto Positive Airway Pressure (APAP) automatically changes the pressure according to your breathing needs in a given moment. It does this on a breath-by-breath basis, truly making it a “smart” machine. Many users find that this helps increase their ability to stay compliant. CPAP Central carries the latest in APAP technology from trusted brands such as Phillips Respironics and ResMed
Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) is a non-invasive way to treat central or obstructive sleep apnea and may be used for people who suffer from other respiratory disease. It delivers two levels of pressure:
- IPAP, or inspiratory positive airway pressure – This is a high level of pressure that is used when you inhale.
- EPAP, or expiratory positive airway pressure – This is when you exhale which delivers a low level of pressure.
These two modes make the BiPAP ideal for those who need their sleep apnea delivered at a higher pressure than normal. Because of the EPAP mode, the user is not constantly under that same higher level of pressure.
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) delivers air pressure at a single level that is predetermined by your doctor after the sleep study results are in. A CPAP machine pushes compressed air through a tubing system that is connected to a nose mask. The continuous pressure keeps your upper airway open, preventing them from collapsing and block breathing.
All three therapies have their own machines but share equipment like masks and tubes to help aid your sleep. Before you decide on which PAP machine is right for you, talk to your doctor. He or she might have a recommendation based on what the sleep study showed. CPAP Central is also here to help. We’re your one-stop shop for all your sleep apnea need!