Your body does some pretty fascinating things while you sleep to help you recharge physically and mentally. At CPAP Central, we want to share some of these interesting facts about what’s really going on with your body while you snooze!
Your Brain Cleans House
The waste removal systems in the brain are more active while you sleep. This allows your brain to clear toxic byproducts that cause problems such as Alzheimer’s disease. Experts believe that your brain is also processing what happened during your day and filtering out the unimportant information while sorting out the significant details. Getting a full night of sleep allows your body and brain to fully rejuvenate.
Your Blood Pressure Plummets
Having a lower blood pressure for an entire night’s sleep is extremely beneficial to your heart. Sleep is the body’s most effective way of digesting excess stress hormones. If you don’t get a good night’s rest, your stress hormones stay elevated and increase inflammation throughout your body which causes your arteries to narrow and even constrict. This results in higher blood pressure and damage to the heart.
You’re Paralyzed
During REM sleep, your body cannot move a muscle. Only your eye muscles (hence rapid eye movement sleep) and your breathing are not paralyzed. This portion of your sleep is important because it’s when your brain is most active. This is when a big portion of the cleaning house occurs because your immune system is at its best. Your mind is so active during sleep, it can even make important decisions and discoveries.
Growth Hormones Emerge
Even if you aren’t getting taller, your body is still growing. The growth hormones release into your bloodstream while you sleep, and they help repair and restore cells within your body. They are an important part in maintaining healthy body tissue all through your life.
Hunger Hormones Regulate
People who don’t sleep well normally wake up wanting a higher-calorie food. The hunger-regulating hormones leptin and ghrelin can become unbalanced, along with an unregulated metabolism if your sleep schedule is suffering.
With sleep apnea, these beneficial things are less likely to occur, causing your body to not be its healthiest version. CPAP Central can help your body regulate itself with our CPAP machines, so contact us today through our live chat Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST. We have a number of resources to help educate you about sleep apnea and its treatments!