less often, it gets dark earlier, it’s cold and we generally get less exercise. All of these things can create a mental and physical load on our bodies that can result in us getting less sleep.
Since getting enough sleep is a cornerstone to good health, here are some tips to help you sleep better as the seasons change:
- Go to bed when you feel tired- when your eyelids start drooping and you’re overtaken by yawns, it’s time to hit the hay. However, if you can’t fall asleep within a half hour, get up and read or do something that makes you tired.
- Get the right room temperature- It should be just cold enough that you need to get under the covers, but not so hot that you’re burning up.
- Sip on herbal tea- certain herbal teas, like chamomile or mint, act as natural sedatives that help produce a deep sleep.
- Exercise during the day- exercising activates the body’s natural healing process, a lot of which happens while we sleep.
- Get all your worries out- in a room that is separate from where you sleep, write down all your worries and plans for tomorrow, then leave the room. This way you will literally be leaving your worries outside of the bedroom.
- Think peaceful- Try to mentally let all the tension out of your body starting at your extremities and working toward your core. Concentrate on relaxing thoughts.
Hopefully these tips help boost your energy and avoid the late fall and winter doldrums. If you need help with anything sleep apnea related, CPAP Central is ready and willing to help! We’re available via live chat Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. EST.