Tips for talking with a loved one about sleep disorder symptoms.
Does your bed partner keep you up at night with their snoring or gasping for air? Are you concerned about their excessive daytime fatigue? Do you suspect they may have a sleep disorder like obstructive sleep apnea? If so, you are not alone and you may be losing sleep as well. Starting a conversation about a potential sleep disorder can be difficult, but CPAPCentral.com has some tips to help.
Be Honest – We recommend being honest through an open conversation about what you are seeing and hearing, as well as your feelings and concerns about the problem.
Provide Proof – For some people, it is hard to believe something without seeing it. Taking a video or audio recording of a loved one during sleep may be the proof they need to be compelled to schedule a sleep test. This recording may also be helpful when talking with a doctor about their sleep concerns.
Listen to the Doctor – Sleep disorders typically need medical consultation to accurately identify and address the root of the disorder. Discourage your loved one from using online forums for the do-it-yourselfer as every person’s situation is different. Have them talk with their doctor or sleep specialist to fully understand their situation. Encourage your loved one to follow the doctor’s orders and remind them it will take persistence, so don’t give up!
Suggest Apnea-Reducing Habits – In addition to doctor’s assistance and diagnosis, encourage your loved one to follow apnea-reducing habits such as weight loss, sleeping on their side, avoiding alcohol, and avoiding drugs that relax the body. These habits can help improve their sleep, especially if they have sleep apnea.
Be Patient – Remind your loved one that a sleep disorder may take time to control and therapies, such as CPAP therapy, may require time to allow them to adjust to the equipment and routine. It is important to be supportive of your loved one every step along the way. The goal is to help them succeed.
Starting a conversation could be hard, however with these tips, CPAPCentral.com is confident you can be adequately prepared for your discussion. We ultimately want to help everyone sleep better. If your loved one is diagnosed with sleep apnea, call CPAPCentral.com at 877-630-7386. We can walk them through selecting a CPAP machine and CPAP mask that fits their lifestyle.