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Category Archives: First Time CPAP Users

Finding the right CPAP mask for you


“You want me to wear what??”


Those who are new to CPAP often have this reaction when it comes to the comfort of their CPAP mask. It’s part of the adjustment period that everyone goes through. CPAP Central wants you to be comfortable while you sleep with your CPAP mask and offers some hints on what to do to get used to wearing a mask at night.


You may need to try a few different styles of masks before you settle on one that works for you. This may be a full-face mask if you’re a nose and mouth breather or a simple nose mask if a full face mask makes you feel claustrophobic. A proper fit goes a long way for comfort.


Another trick to making your mask more comfortable is to soak it in warm, soapy water to loosen up the straps and soften the edges of the mask. Also, don’t forget to wash the straps and mask to clear off any facial oils after using it. Try different strap positions and tensions to find ones that allow the mask to seal while also being comfortable for you.


If it’s purely getting used to the therapy itself that isn’t allowing you to sleep at night, try wearing your mask while you’re awake. Put your mask on and turn on your machine for 30-45 minutes in the evening as you watch television to get used to it. You can even increase the time the more used to it you get.


Your CPAP mask and therapy are supposed to help you sleep, so if it is keeping you up initially, just think about the payoff from complying with the therapy and how that will help you in the long term. If you have any questions or concerns about your equipment or how to make things more comfortable, feel free to reach out to us here at CPAP Central. Our Live Chat is available 8:30-4:30 Monday through Friday.

Top First-Time CPAP User Problems Part 2

Adjusting to CPAP therapy takes getting used to your equipment.

Adjusting to CPAP therapy takes getting used to your equipment.


Sleep does not always come easy especially for some people with obstructive sleep apnea. CPAP therapy can help you achieve a full night’s sleep; however starting sleep apnea therapy is not always easy.

Last week we discussed the top two first-time problems for CPAP users and options you can take to help correct those problems. This week, we will cover two more common CPAP problems. Whatever your struggles with your CPAP or bi-level equipment, encourages you not to give up on CPAP therapy. If you feel you have tried everything without results, talk with your doctor for further guidance.

First-Time CPAP Problem #3: Struggling with Forced Air

Is the CPAP air pressure keeping you up at night? Adjusting to higher CPAP air pressure can be difficult. Some CPAP machines have a “ramp” feature that could help. This feature allows your therapy to start with a lower air pressure and slowly increases to your prescribed pressure setting. The gradual increase can help you fall asleep.

If this does not help, talk to your doctor.  An auto CPAP which automatically adjusts air pressure while you sleep may be recommended.  A bi-level machine which supplies two pressure settings, a higher pressure while inhaling and a lower pressure when exhaling, may also be a more appropriate therapy.  Your doctor will help you decide the best device for your sleep apnea therapy needs.

Fist-Time CPAP Problem #4: Dry, Irritated, or Stuffy Nose

Using CPAP equipment can cause your nose and throat to feel dry and irritated. Your nose can also feel stuffy. A heated humidifier can help add moisture to your therapy and relieve your stuffy, dry or irritated nose and throat. Check with your CPAP supplier to see if your sleep apnea therapy device supports a heated humidifier.

Sleep apnea therapy has numerous health benefits and can positively influence your quality of life; however persistence is the key to positive results. wants to help you with your sleep apnea therapy whether you are struggling or need replacement supplies. If you have any sleep apnea therapy questions or product questions, contact today.