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A Month for Sleep

How many of you read the title and thought, “Sleeping for a month? Sign me up!” You wouldn’t be alone. Approximately 40 percent of U.S. adults get less than the recommended amount of sleep each night. Since November is National Sleep Comfort Month, now is the perfect time to take stock of the things that might be keeping you from getting a good night’s rest:


  • Not keeping the same bed time every night.


Experts tell us that going to bed at the same time every night can help establish a better quality sleep. While keeping a bed time may make you feel like a little kid, the truth is adults also need one. Waking up at the same time every day—even on the weekends—can also help.


  • Put down the phone.


Besides giving yourself a bedtime, you’ll also need to enforce another rule you may already give your children: limiting screen time. Experts say that watching TV, playing on the computer or scrolling through your phone an hour before you go to sleep can disrupt your circadian rhythms, leading to a poor sleeping pattern.


  • Establish a routine.


Another way to get into a good sleeping rhythm is to have a pre-bed routine. This can be anything from reading for 20 minutes to brushing and flossing right before sleep. Some people drink warm milk or chamomile tea to wind down. We caution you from drinking alcohol for the same reason. While it may make you fall asleep, it can keep you from going through all of the REM cycles properly, leaving you feeling awful in the morning.


  • Stay CPAP Compliant.


We know that this can be easier said than done, but if you have sleep apnea it’s crucial to getting a good night’s sleep. If you’ve been avoiding CPAP due to discomfort, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experts! We can help you get to the bottom of any trouble you may be experiencing with your equipment.


At CPAP Central, our main focus is ensuring that you get the best possible sleep. Our Education and Resources Center can give you more tips about how to get the best rest each night. For updated and replacement CPAP equipment see our online catalog.